
Due diligence is a necessary step in the purchase, sale or licensing of intellectual property rights. Our attorneys can audit patent, trade mark and design portfolios, as well as other intellectual property rights, to establish the rights that exist and identify any potential issues with the validity, scope and ownership of the rights.

We advise on licensing the use of intellectual property to third parties. We help companies who have decided to license their intellectual property, as well as those planning to take a licence of third party intellectual property, to navigate the negotiation process.

We assist businesses in the purchase or sale of their intellectual property. We aim to ensure that the client is fully aware of the intellectual property risks involved in acquisition and investment and have the tools they need to negotiate effectively and ensure an accurate purchase price.

We have also advised businesses undertaking joint ventures and R&D collaborations on the steps that should be taken before working together to avoid potential IP disputes further down the line.

For further information about our IP commercialisation services, please contact us to speak to one of our attorneys.